Hypnotherapy Training Level Two

This course is designed to incorporate the necessary knowledge and skills for becoming a Certified Hypnotherapist.

Hypnotherapy Training Level Two students gain the skills and knowledge to customize hypnotherapy techniques and programs to individualize each program for each person, increasing the success rates

Class Begins July 13, 2024


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Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Are you ready to take your training to the next level and become a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist? After all, this certification is the gold standard for Hypnotherapists. Over the next eleven weeks you will  learn everything you need to become certified through the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners, and establish yourself as an expert in this powerful healing modality!


Many graduates of the California School of Hypnotherapy say that in addition to learning advanced hypnotherapy techniques that the greatest gift of Level Two Hypnotherapy Training is the infusion of confidence to do the work. Unlike courses that simply teach the Hypnotherapy scripts, California School of Hypnotherapy trains you to have confidence in yourself and imbues you with knowledge and skills that go deeper than the intellectual levels. Students are infused with healing techniques, and taught the specific marketing techniques that work for reaching the clients that they are meant to work with. 

Sign up for Hypnotherapy Level 2 Training Now.  



Class begins 9am on July 13, 2024. All instruction is live-on-Zoom and you will be fully supported by a team of experts every step of the way. 

You will gain experience working with unpaid clients utilizing advanced techniques that are unique to this program. This course is where the deep level work really begins to take place, and you will gain the skills to help people overcome issues, often even when they have tried everything else without success. This level of live experience will ensure that you can hone your skills to expert levels.

You will feel CONFIDENT in your ability to completely transform your clients’ lives.

You will gain the skills you need to open your own hypnotherapy practice.

You will hone your carefully crafted techniques to work with people for virtually any problem or goal. 


You will feel really, really good about the work you are doing. After all, if we are able to orchestrate positive change in one person's life we effect change in the lives of everyone they know, and so it goes.

Learn Remotely

All interactions are done in the convenience of your own home from anywhere in the world.We kick off with a 3 day intensive where you’ll get comfortable with the next level of material and we will begin each session discussing your realtime successes and challenges with the work. 

 During these 3 days, you’ll take your skills next level and find out everything  you need to know in order to…

  •  Learn a multitude of advanced Hypnotherapy  & Mind/Body Science Techniques  & gain hands-on experience using them
  • Learn how to craft successful Hypnotherapy programs that fit your clients needs and deliver serious results.
  •  Understand & learn how to use effective marketing to attract the people that you are meant to work with.
  •  Receive constructive criticism & feedback to hone your practice
  •  Discover exactly what to do when you hit "roadblocks" during Hypnotherapy programs.

Level 2 Hypnotherapy training is where all the pieces  come together so that you can tailor your Hypnotherapy programs in  ways that truly serve your clients and provide you with fulfillment and joy, knowing that you are truly making a difference in the world. 

Technique Utilization

In addition to the Live Training, 30 Hours of Technique Utilization are required for all students who are taking this course to receive a Hypnotherapy certification through the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. These hours are supervised, and can be completed according to your schedule.


What We Cover Week by Week

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Brad O'Connor

Pay In Full


Best Value

  • Class begins JULY 14, 2024 at 9 am PST
  • Live training that provides a blend of lecture and experiential Technique Utilization.
  • Flexible online coursework including video, audio and reading material for all learning styles.
  • Dynamic Technique Utilization Workshops to put your newfound skills into action.
  • Private online forum provided to students & past graduates for ongoing questions, support, and camaraderie.
  • Opportunity to exchange sessions with fellow students and graduates for personal experience & benefit.
  • Expert support every step of the way
  • Supervised Technique Utilization that builds confidence throughout the entire program.
  • Quizzes to check your understanding of each module
  • Classes are kept intentionally small to cultivate the best learning environment for students. This size of a class is more conducive to questions from students and forming helpful bonds with fellow students.
Pay in Full
Payment Plan
Private Coaching

For Individual Coaching:

Level Two Coaching goes where no coaching program has gone before.


You're starting a new journey.

And you might feel a little nervous about that.

And you might feel a little scared.

And you might be wondering if you can really do this.

All of this is normal.


But what if you could be personally coached by an expert Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Hypnotic Coach?

You can! And what better way to implement these techniques in the world than to start with yourself? There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING that builds your confidence and abilities more than experiencing healing breakthroughs firsthand. Not only that, but this opportunity provides you with the platform to practice what you preach: living a life in health, happiness and balance. And if you don’t take care of yourself first you won’t be very good at taking care of anyone else, will you?

Hypnotic Coaching for Level Two students of California School of Hypnotherapy consists of Hypnotic Coaching sessions every 2 weeks firsthand throughout the Level Two Program.

These sessions are one-on-one personalized coaching sessions, and personalized for exactly what YOU need. Give yourself this gift of healing that you’ll be giving to others and supercharge your success at the same time!

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Michelle Lockett